Cindy-Lee Dennis, PhD


Breastfeeding Studies


Subject Principal Investigator Co-Investigators Funding Source Amount Funded Year
Breastfeeding Intervention to Reduce Blood Pressure and Improve Breastfeeding Practices Among Women with Recent Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy: A Pilot Study N. Dayan Semenic, S., Da Costa, D., Dennis, C-L., Nguyen, T., Pilote, L., Smith, G., Ukah, V., CIHR   Submitted
Examining Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy, Infant Feeding Method, and Perinatal Mental Health among Women in United Arab Emirates: A Cohort Study H. Radwan Dennis, C-L., Fakhry, R. Sheikh Hamdan Medical Research Grant (UAE) $147,000 (AED) 2017-2019
Targeting Interventions for Better Outcomes – The Matlab All Children Thriving Project in Dhaka Bangladesh S. Lye, A. Rahman Bhutta, Z., Dennis, C-L., Lee, K., Jamieson, J., Jenkins, J., Matthews, S., Proulx, K., and Bangladesh team Grand Challenges Gates Foundation $2,500,000 2015-2020
Women who are breastfeeding: Increasing Self-Efficacy to improve outcomes (The WISE Trial) C-L Dennis McQueen, K., Stremler, R., Sellen, D., Walker, M., Zupancic, J., Kiss, A.  CIHR  $1,262,453  2013-2017
Breastfeeding Rates and Risk Factors among Women in Cuba C-L Dennis Lye, S., Verafernandez, Y., and Cuban team Cuba $10,000 2015-2016
The Design and Evaluation of Online Breastfeeding Resources for Adolescent Mothers and Aboriginal Families  J. Abbass-Dick Alcok Brillinger, S., Dennis C-L., George, C., Huizinga, J., MacDonald, S., Newport, A., Sterkin, E., Xie, F. Best Start, community Breastfeeding Projects Grants $50,000 Completed
Design and Evaluation of a Co-Parenting Breastfeeding Online Course J. Abbass-Dick Alcok Brillinger, S., Dennis-C-L., George, C., Huizinga, J., MacDonald, S., Newport, A., Sterkin, E., Xie, F. Best Start, Community Breastfeeding Projects Grants $25,000 Completed
A randomized controlled trial to evaluate the effect of telephone-based peer support on breastfeeding duration among primiparous women    


C-L Dennis Hodnett, E., Gallop, R., Chalmers, B Maternal Infant and Reproductive Health Research Unit $7,500 Completed
Effectiveness of a Baby-Friendly Hospital-Based Mothers’ Support Group, and a Cell-Phone Based Peer Support Program in Supporting Exclusive Breastfeeding in an Urban Kenyan Community: A Pilot Study D. Sellen, E. Kamau-Mbuthia Mbugua, S., Lou, L., Webb, A., Aidam, B., Dennis, C-L., Nommsen-Rivers, L. Alive and Thrive Small Grants Program $98,602(US) Completed
Evaluation of a Breastfeeding Programme of Antenatal Peer Support in the Heart of Birmingham, UK C. MacArthur  Jolly, K., Khan, K., Dennis, C-L. NHS Health Technology Assessment contract Completed
Modifying the Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale to an NICU Population B. Wheeler Dennis, C-L. Manitoba Nursing Research Institute $3,997 Completed
A Pilot RCT to Evaluate the Effectiveness of an All Purpose Nipple Ointment (APNO) in Treating Damaged Nipples among Breastfeeding Women    


N. Schottle Dennis, C-L., Hodnett, E. The Canadian Foundation for Women’s Health $33,396 Completed
An RCT to Evaluate the Effect of Peer Support on Breastfeeding Duration among Women C-L. Dennis Hodnett, E. (Doctoral Supervisor) Maternal, Infant and Reproductive Health Research Unit $7,500 Completed
The Development and Psychometric Testing of the Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale C-L. Dennis Faux, S. (Master’s Supervisor) Imperial Order of Daughters of the Empire Loyalists $500 Completed



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